The payroll training encompasses all that you need to know about payroll and how the PAYE system operates in the UK. This training aims to equip you to effectively discharge your duties as a payroll accountant or payroll assistant/payroll administrator. You will have the opportunity to be trained on live data. This includes processing payroll weekly, fortnightly and monthly.
The training includes:
Register for Payroll with HMRC
Setting-up Companies on Sage Payroll software
Creating new employees’ records
Applying global changes on sage
Processing starters and leavers
Processing holiday pay and absences
Processing statutory payment (SMP, SSP, and SPP)
Auto Enrolment and work place pensions
Producing payslips
RTI Submissions to HMRC
Running month end Reports
Processing P60, P45 and P32
Journaling payroll pay elements into the general ledger system